Frogtoon Música

Rough Guide's Off The Beaten Track (Album) by Ikhwani Safaa Musical Club

Biografía del artista Ikhwani Safaa Musical Club

The Ikhwani Safaa Musical Club Was Founded In 1905 Following The Sultan's Intention To Create Recreational Associations On The Island. The Name Itself Means "brothers Who Love One Another" And Reflects The Egalitarian And Supportive Aims Of The Club. The Club Is The Oldest In Zanzibar And Has Been One Of The Main Currents In Zanzibari Music Throughout This Century - Sales Of Their Cassettes Comprise The Bulk Of The Cassette Copy-Shops' Trade. After The Revolution In 1964 The Name Was Changed To The Malindi Musical Club And Affiliated To The Local Party Branch But Is Now 1988 Reverting To The Original Name. This Means That Its Orchestra Is Currently Known By Either Name On The Island. After The Revolution The Club Became Open To Women Members. Following The Disappearance Of Royal Patrons And Then The Socialist State Zanzibarís Taarab Orchestras Are Now Fighting A Tough Battle For Survival. Ikhwani Safaa Is A 20-Piece Orchestra With Violins Ganoons Ney Guitar Accordion And Percussion And They've Been Worked Into Great Form. The Double-Bass Player Use Thick Rubbery Shark Line Pulled Up To Tension For Their Strings The Ganoon Players Use A Much Lighter Fish Gauge. As It Is The String Players Seem To Have A Convention Of Tuning Below Concert Pitch To Avoid Excessive Wear And Tear On The Strings Effectively Turning The Keyboards And Accordions Into Transposing Instruments.
The Club Has Visited Kenya Burundi Oman And Dubai And Many Of Its Musicians Visited The UK In 1985 As Members Of The National Taarab Orchestra. The Line-Up In 1988 Was Omar Said Ali Ali Salum Haroub Abdalla Saleh Mussa Hisham Abdalla Salim Kassim Abdullah Khamis - Violins Seif Salim Saleh - Violin And Ud Ally Salum - Ganoon Ally Salim - Accordion Abubakar Mohammed - Guitar Haji Mohammed - Organ Khamis Mohammed - Bass Juma Saidi Hamadi - Cello Hussein Ali Abdul Rahman Baju Beir - Ney Abeid Muhsin Said Abdalla Rashid Hamid - Percussion Aziza Abdalla Sihaba Juma Rukhia Ramadhan Maulidi Mohammed Mohammed Ilays Seif Salim Saleh Kassim Mohammed Abubakar Mohammed Innat Alawi Awadh Salim Firiyal Rashied Khadija Salim Ali Masoud Moh'd Shatri Amur Khalfan Salim Abdalla Haji Ameri Moh'd Salim Ahmed Saleh Masoud Mfaume Ahmed Ali Attiye Attaye Mohammed Ahmed - Singers And Chorus Humud Mohammed Haroub Seif - Technicians.

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